Time off announcements share a summary of who is out of office to a channel, group of people, or individuals. Announcements can be scheduled for every day or once per week.

⬇️ Follow these instructions to get started ⬇️


Connect your Slack Workspace to Doozy

If you’ve not done so yet, follow these instructions

Make sure to also connect Doozy to your HR system! See the Connect your HRIS help page.


Open 'Start a Doozy'

Go to ‘Doozy’ in your Slack sidebar, and select ’🚀 Start a Doozy’ under ‘What would you like to do’?


Select 'Choose' next to 'Time off announcements', and configure your preferences using the following dropdown menus:


Choose which users' time off should be announced

  • Channel members: All members in a specified channel
  • Groups: All users in a group, e.g. Engineering or Marketing
  • Individuals: Choose specific users

Select either the specified channel or the specific users


Choose how often announcements should be posted

  • You can choose ‘Every weekday’ or ‘Every Monday’
    Syncing time off data happens once every 24 hours

Choose the time the announcements should be posted


Choose where the announcements should be posted

  • Post in a channel: The announcement will be shared publicly in the channel
  • Send to channel members: The announcement will be sent as a private message to all members of a channel
  • Send to group members: The announcement will be sent as a private message to all members of a group
  • Send to an individual: The announcement will be shared with one user, e.g. the team manager