Manage celebrations
How to manage, pause or stop birthday or anniversary celebrations
Opt out of celebrations (as a user)
If you would like to opt out of birthday or anniversary celebrations:
Open Doozy from your Slack sidebar
Select '🎉 Celebrations' under 'What would you like to do?'
Select 'Your birthday' or 'Your anniversary'
Choose 'Opt out'
Manage team dates
To edit a birthday or anniversary date, or ask a team member to add a missing date:
Open Doozy from your Slack sidebar
Select '🎉 Celebrations' under 'What would you like to do?'
Select 'Manage team dates'
Choose your option:
Edit birthday (and change the date from the dropdown menus)
To exclude a team member, choose ‘Opt out of birthdays’ -
Edit anniversary (and change the date from the dropdowm menus)
To exclude a team member, choose ‘Opt out of anniversaries’ -
Ask them to add it (and they will be prompted to add in the correct date)
Manage celebration settings
To manage, pause or stop celebrations once they’ve been set up:
Open Doozy from your Slack sidebar
Select 'Manage a Doozy'
Choose '...' next to the celebration you want to manage (e.g. Birthdays)
Choose 'Update' to tweak the settings for the celebration
Choose 'Cancel' to disable the celebration feature