🖥️ Start from our web app, doozy.live, and sign into your account.


Choose 'Analytics' from the menu


Choose the time period for the data you want to view, from the dropdown

Choose to view:

  • Data from specific months or years
  • Rolling data from e.g. the last 60 days or the last 6 months
  • All-time data

View analytics on the following:

  • Introductions: The number of matches made through Doozy Roulette or one-off introductions, and the total number of connections made
  • Celebrations: The number of each type of Celebration that has been shared in Doozy
  • Quizzes: The number of quiz questions Doozy has posted, the number of answers submitted, and how many of them were right!
  • Socials: The number of Doozy socials hosted and the total number of participants
Analytics is a new feature in BETA, send us feedback on what you’d like to see at [email protected]